In this part we will continue to talk about the
eutrophication parameters that affect lakes quality.
One of the major parameter is phosphorus (P),
phosphorus is introduced in the lake as a bounded phosphorus to the sediments
or as a dissolved phosphorus in the water column.
Holdren investigated the mixing of the water column as
a factor that can affect the P release, in the study of Lake Mendota, P
concentration increased during mixing times. The increase was attributed to the
particulates suspension in water column that lead to an increase in water mixing (Holdren, 1980) .
Figure 1 shows the mechanism of
phosphorus release and some factors that can affect the releasing of P.
Different seasons influenced the release of P from
sediment into the water column. The release of P in oligotrophic lakes (Nürnberg, 1986) was maximum during
summer and varied between different summer seasons depending on the extent of
anoxic condition of sediments. Iron releasing mechanism did not account for the
Soluble reactive phosphorus detected in the water column. Instead, particulate
reactive phosphorus – accounted for about 17% of internal phosphorus load (Nürnberg, 1986) .
Phosphorus release in eutrophic lakes is usually high
during summer. The sediment acts as a source of phosphorus, and the ability of
mineral complexes to adsorb phosphorus decreases (Berkheiser,
1980; Perkins, 2011) . The phosphorus seasonal patterns are
related to the biological activity of lakes. At high temperature. The sediment’s
bacteria activity increases and levels of oxygen decrease, such conditions are accompanied
by high pHs that favor the phosphate (PO43-) release into
water (Redshaw, 1990) . During winter the
phosphorus retention occurs, and the low biological activity allows for the
adsorption of phosphorus into sediments (Sondergaard, 2001) . Lake Long in
Washington followed that trend during the summer, where at turnover of summer,
pH decrease was not followed by the decrease in the phosphorus concentration. This
deviation introduced another factor that can participate in increasing P
levels, macrophyte decomposition kept P levels high during the turnover of
summer (Jacoby, 1982) .
Another study of sediment cores from Wisconsin lakes
showed the relation between the temperature and the release of phosphorus when
the other factors were kept constant. The temperature increase resulted in an
increase in P levels in water column. Increasing temperature lead to an
increase in the microbial activity in the sediment that resulted in oxygen
depletion (Holdren, 1980) .
The ice cover during winter has a positive effect on
phosphorus concentration. The extent of ice cover increases the possibility of prevailing
the reduction condition due to the absence of atmospheric oxygen exchange. The
seasonal effect of winter on Lake Peipsi in Russia showed an increase in
phosphorus concentration during long severe winters. In meanwhile, the years
between 1997 and 2007 experienced mild winters and a shorter ice cover of the lake.
The less extent of the ice cover showed a significant decrease in the
phosphorus concentration during mild winter (Blank, 2009) .
Nicholls 1998 studied the overall concentration of
Great Lakes of North America in years where lakes experienced mild winter. His
results showed that the overall concentration of phosphorus in lakes increased
in years with mild winters. The explanation of decease can be due to the mild
winters were shorter, and the lakes were subjected to longer warmer weather that
leads to increasing of eutrophication (Nicholls, 1998) .
Oligotrophic lakes experience similar low, releasing
rates of phosphorus during winter, which enable them to control the
phytoplankton of the lakes. Waikaremoan Lake (New Zealand) is an oligotrophic
lake that has low phosphorus availability during winter, and the regeneration
of phosphors into water takes long periods. The long regeneration enables the
lake to control, and limit the phytoplankton growth (Vincent, 1983) .
The effect of pH on the phosphorus concentration
differs due to the different forms of phosphorus. Phosphorus fractions can be
extracted as liable-P form, redox, and metal oxide forms, and calcium form (Fytianos, 2005) (Kaiserli, 2002) . Table 1 shows
different particulate P forms and pHs at which P release is maximum.
Table 1 Phosphorus forms release in response to different pHs
particulate P forms
Releasing pH
Loosely adsorbed
Calcium bound -P
Redox sensitive (Fe-P)
Metal oxide bound –P (Fe or Al)
The calcium bound-P P(HCl-P) release increases by
decreasing pH. At low pH, calcium bound phosphorus becomes unstable. Swan Lake
(China) showed very high Ca2+ concentrations at acidic pH (below 3).
The strong acidic conditions resulted in HCl-P dissociation, and the
concentration of P increased in the lake (Gaoa, 2012) .
Nur R. studied the effect of pH on the calcium
bound P, the study investigated sediments from Lake Carl Blackwell (Oklahoma),
where the sediments pHs were altered to see the amount of released fractions at
different pHs. The calcium-bound phosphate fraction fixation was minimum at
acidic conditions (Nur, 1979) .
The loosely P(NH4Cl-P) is another form of P
bound forms, P(NH4Cl-P) associated with hard-water lakes, CaCO3
and the pore water-P that comes from
leached P after decaying bacterial cells during summer stratification (Rydin, 2000; Pettersson, 2001) . Inorganic
orthophosphate in NH4Cl-P is the readily form used by algae, this
means increasing this soluble inorganic form would promote algae blooms (Ribeiro, 2008) . Increasing the
depth results in decreasing the soluble NH4Cl-P, due to the fact
that acidity increases by increasing that depth. Moreover, some loosely
adsorbed P would rebounds with CaCO3 at the bottom of the lake. (Gonsiorczyk, 1997)
The other form
of P is the reductant soluble phosphorus (BD-P). This form is the form of inorganic
phosphorus bound to iron hydroxide or manganese. During anaerobic condition
(low oxygen) the BD-P dissolved form becomes available for algal (Kaiserli, 2002) .
Usually, the amount of metallic oxide bound to organic
phosphorus in eutrophic lakes is higher than in oligotrophic lakes. The high
percentage of released P comes from the role of metallic oxide in internal
loading (Ribeiro, 2008) . Metal oxide bound
–P (Fe or Al) represents the largest portion responsible for P release in lakes,
thus causing lake eutrophication. The metal bound phosphate (NaOH-P) is Al,
or Fe oxides,
for Al oxide the adsorbed NaOH-P occurs at the surface of the metal oxide,
where adsorption on Fe oxide is interior. In NaOH-P form, P is bound to metal
oxide, and the exchange between NaOH and P allows for the release or retention
of P in metal complexes. These processes are pHs and oxic states dependent. During
aerobic condition, bounding sites of Al and Fe complexes are reduced, and the
desorbed phosphate is released into water column leading to the internal
loading (Jacoby, 1982; Jensen, 1992) .
pH controls the ion exchange between OH-
and PO43- , at high pH the ligand exchange occurs, where
OH- replaces PO43- in the metal complex,
leading to high release of NaOH-P in water (Christophoridis, 2006) . Most likely, OH-
and PO43- ion
exchange occurs at the surface of the sediment due to the redox condition during
summer where anaerobic state prevailed. Lake Swan (China) experienced a high
release of total phosphorus as a result of releasing phosphorus (NaOH-P+BD-P)
forms at alkaline conditions (Gaoa, 2012) .
Besides the effect of pH on the oxide bound –P, the
oxic state of the surface sediment affects the ferric oxyhydroxide oxidation
states thus affects the phosphorus levels.
Patrick study of P sorption/desorption on the
surface of sediment ferric oxy-hydroxide showed the relation between
aerobic/anaerobic conditions and sediment reduction state. The limit oxygen
availability at water-sediment interface (anaerobic state) enhanced the
reduction of gel-like ferrous compounds, and lead to the formation of P ferric soluble
form. In the study, it was argued that the effect of the anaerobic environment
has a greater influence on the releasing P than pH. The reason was that,
soluble ferric oxyhydroxide form dominates at aerobic condition and it would
bound to P firmly than the ferrous oxyhydroxide (Patrick, 1974) .
Boström et. al. investigated the combined conditions role
on phosphorus metabolism of lakes (Boström, 1988) . The phosphorus is
fixed to the sediment by bounding to Fe(III), but once the iron is reduced, the
phosphorus is released into the water column. The high concentration of
sediment internal loading often leads to high phosphorus release conditions.
The study of pH effect on the sediment release showed that increasing pH in the
water column increases the released phosphorus in water. This effect of pH was
different in lakes that contains CaCO3. At high pH, the high
concentration of released phosphorus bounds to CaCO3 forming
hydroxyapatite, or it can be adsorbed to the precipitate in lakes that contains
a high concentration of CaCO3 (Boström, 1988) . Figure (2) show the
relationship between phosphorus concentration and different aeration states.
Figure 2. Phosphorus exchange between sediment and
water column in different conditions (Boström,
The Natural nitrogen as seen above concentration in
lakes is limited, the excess concentration of nitrogen comes from agriculture,
and NO3- nitrification pollution from the atmosphere. In
agriculture, the excess use of fertilizer used to increase the nitrogen input
in solids can end up in streams and lakes. Still, the eutrophication does not
show direct relation due to the nitrogen input in the lake system. For only TP
(total phosphorus) between 30-100 mg/m3 to consider a lake to
experience eutrophic conditions, around 650 – 1200 mg/m3 of TN (total
nitrogen) concentration is needed (Smith, 1999) . Lake Colorado Front
Range experienced large input of NO3- due to heavy
agriculture activities, the high input did not reflect any increase in lake’s
nutrient. Only the increase in the nutrient concentrations was seen either by
the addition of P or as combined N+P addition. While Lake Wyoming Snowy Range
showed an increase in the photosynthetic rate due to the increase of the N or
N+P input to the lake, the enrichment of N alone altered the biotic life that
can act indirectly to eutrophication (Fenn, 2003) .
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