Amino acids:
Amino acids are compounds that
contain amine and carboxylic groups. Each unit of amino acid (monomer) contains
positive and negative group thus the amine group and the carboxylic group form
what is known as a zwitterion (dipolar ion or internal salt). In the zwitterion,
the carboxylic group loses hydrogen ion (COO-) to the amine group
The formation of the internal salt
gives the amino acid the distinguished properties of salt such as; forming
crystalline solids and having high melting points. The solubility of amino
acids is associated with the R side chain. More polar side chain results in
more soluble amino acids. Still, amino acids are insoluble in nonpolar organic
solvents such as; ether and carbon tetra-chloride (hydrocarbon solvents). Amino
acids are classified into polar and non-polar according to the R side chain:
Amino acid |
a. polar amino acids:
There are 20 natural amino acids
that protein is driven form. The polar amino acids are divided into;
a. Acidic side chain amino acids such
as; Aspartic acid, glutamic acid, cysteine, and tyrosine. Those amino acid
contain side chains that end with COO-, OH or SH groups.
b. Basic side chains amino acids are;
arginine, histidine, and lysine.
c. Unionized
amino acids: Asparagine, glutamine, serine, and threonine.
For non-polar amino acids, there are
8 amino acids: alanine, glycine, isoleucine, leucine, methionine,
phenylalanine, proline, tryptophan, and valine
The 20 natural amino acids divided into two groups polar and non-polar amino acids
From the above
figure, it can be seen that there are some amino acids with aromatic side
chains (phenylalanine and tyrosine) and others with only aliphatic side chains
(valine and leucine).
Except for
glycine all amino acids contain chiral carbon atom (carbon atom that is
connected to different groups). The natural amino acids all contain alpha (α)
carbon atom.
The amino group
in 19 of the 20 amino acids is a primary (connected to two hydrogen and one
carbon atoms) except for proline it is secondary (connected to two carbon and
one hydrogen atoms).
polymerization of amino acids by condensation reaction results in either
peptide (short series of amino acids) or longer chains which are proteins.
Amino acids that contain alpha group their polymerization result in the
formation of beta sheets of α-helix.
Next: Amino
acids reactions
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